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Paper submission

You can submit your abstract using the link. You will need to register in the Conference Management System (CMT) to get access to the submission form. 

Upon completion of this form, please submit the full abstract in PDF format. The full abstract will be considered by the program committee and, if accepted, included in the conference proceedings.

Please prepare your abstract according to the templates: Docx, Google Docs, LaTeX in Overleaf (Please, do not forget to use XeLaTeX compiler when working with our template. Menu -> Settings -> Compiler). The maximum size is 4 pages both for oral and poster tracks. The abstract can include figures.

When your abstract is accepted, please register and pay the fee.

Here is our calendar.

Registration and fees


In order to participate in MCCMB'21, you need to register and pay a fee. The registration form is available here

In case of early registration, the fee is lower, see the table. All amounts are in Russian roubles (1 rouble is approx. 1/75 of US $).

In special cases a discounted registration fee is possible. Please contact the Organizing Committee ( with an explanation of your case, if you need a discount.


Important: Most nationalities require a valid entry visa for Russia. The process of obtaining a visa may be lengthy and you should apply as early as possible. If you need an official invitation letter for your visa, please register and contact the Organizing Committee ( as soon as possible!

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